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Having a set back in your life such as an accident can really cause you some problems. Not only do you have to contend with the fact that you have to deal with the recovery process, but there are many emotional and financial hurdles that you will need to overcome when it comes to getting back on your feet.
Returning To Work
You may have had to take some time out of work due to your injury, and a long and slow recovery may mean that you are going to be unable to work to the same level as you used to for some time. Building up your strength may be important, and your doctor may suggest that gradually increasing your activity levels will be good for your overall recovery.
Speak with your employer and see if they can accommodate a phased return to work. This may mean that you start off on reduced hours, or it could mean that you will be on lighter work duties that won’t be so strenuous to start with.
Finding a solution that works for you, your recovery, and the company that you work for is important so don’t feel obliged to rush back to work and risk your health if you are not ready. This is not going to be good for you, and ultimately, you will not be productive in your workplace.
Seeking Compensation
If the accident was not your fault, there may be a chance that you will be eligible for compensation. If you had a car accident, or the accident happened in the workplace and it was not your fault, then a company such as Eric Palacios & Associates Law Firm will be able to act on your behalf to get any compensation that you may be owed.
It is important to try and remember everything about the accident, so maybe write as much down as soon after as you can. Elements of your recollections may alter over time so you should try your best to create an accurate depiction as you can, as anything that is missing or doesn’t add up may well throw up some problems with any claims.
Earning While You Are Incapacitated
You may still need to think about paying your bills while you are off, and you may only be eligible for a limited amount of support in terms of sick pay.
One option would be to look for some work that you could do from home while you are unable to get about so much. There are many ways of earning money from your laptop without leaving the house.
You could look at doing some paid surveys. Many companies will pay for your opinions and filling in survey forms can be very stress-free.
For lots of small work that you can do from home, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk has lots of very little jobs that can take as little time as a few seconds to complete. This may be a way of getting some extra cash while you need it the most.
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