From childhood, we’re inundated with information and warnings about substances. It’s important. We know that smoking causes cancer, alcoholism is a disease and can cause liver failure, and illicit drugs can cause horrible addictions and even death. Even so, many of us have tried these substances and even made choices with them that weren’t the smartest. But it’s never too late to act responsibly. There are ways to make sure what we put in our bodies is not harmful and might even be beneficial.
Stepping away from smoking
Smoking is never a good choice. The tobacco and carcinogens in cigarettes are proven to be cancerous, while the nicotine involved creates an addiction that’s hard to break. You probably have more than one friend who’s always “quitting.” One option that is working for a lot of people is switching to e-cigarettes or vaporizers. These devices still deliver a little nicotine, but instead of inhaling smoke, you’re inhaling vaporized liquid (which can be flavored!). For a lot of smokers, simply executing the action of bringing the item to their lips is fulfilling enough. While we still lack information about the long-term effects of vaping and e-cigs, we know that they’re a safer option than traditional smoking.
A little bit of alcohol
While drunkenness and regular overconsumption of alcohol is dangerous for several reasons, alcohol itself isn’t inherently bad for you. Mayo Clinic states that alcohol in moderation could reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and even diabetes. But “moderation” may be less than a lot of us realize. Moderate consumption means one drink a day for women and two a day for men. And “one drink” means 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits. So be careful and monitor your drinking. Remember, also, that i you are pregnant or have certain medications, you may need to refrain from drinking.
Medicinals and other health products
When using prescription drugs, stick to the prescribed usage! Never use a prescription drug that hasn’t been given to you by a doctor. There are lots of over-the-counter supplements and natural medicinals out there that can have positive benefits, although it’s always important to consult your doctor first. If you’re needing to take prescription drugs and can’t afford them, there are certain pharmacy groups that can provide them at a lower price and can help you get the medicines you need, even if you don’t have insurance.
It’s essential that we all be responsible with completing drug regimens as well, particularly with antibiotic medicines. Even if you feel like the problem has cleared up, finish all the meds! When we don’t complete an antibiotic regimen, we leave some of the bacteria in there–and these bacteria will become immune to the medicine and harder to kill later on. If you’re sick, don’t always insist on an antibiotic, either. The overprescribing of these medicines is leading to more and more drug resistance. So unless your doctor thinks it’s the best option, don’t demand it.
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