Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels
Rather than sugar-coating it, buying, owning, and running a car is an expensive affair; even if you manage to get your vehicle cheap, your car tax, insurance, servicing, and fuel costs all add up. But not to panic. There are ways that you, as a driver, can save money on your vehicle.
Buy Economical Tyres
It may seem far-fetched, but the type of tire you have makes a big difference. While it might be tempting to go for the cheapest one, you need to make sure it is reliable as well, and going cheap may prove to be a mistake in the long run. Inferior tires may not perform as well as more expensive tires, but also they may hit your fuel economy and may need replacing more regularly. On the other hand, a good quality or eco saver tire could improve your fuel economy compared with the worst tire for rolling resistance.
Don’t Press The Gas When You Start the Car
A few years ago, you needed to use a little gas to get the car running – but you don’t need to do this anymore.
So please don’t waste the extra fuel and risk damage to your engine by doing it. The car will start cleanly without your pedal on the metal.
Go Small
When buying a new car, consider smaller models. They are often cheaper, and because they are lighter, they usually get better gasoline mileage, and insurance is more affordable. Maybe choose between new or used, a used reliable car is just as good and even more affordable than a new one.
Shop Around for Insurance
Insurance can be expensive, and if you want to be more money savvy, why not shop around for cheaper insurance? New Insurance companies may be offering great new customer deals, which may be of benefit for you. You can also do things to reduce your insurance, like taking part in a defensive driving course that is designed to make you a safer driver and may well bring down your premiums.
Save Money by Maintaining Regularly
After the initial purchase, you have the cost of your monthly payment, auto insurance premiums, and gasoline to account for. But what about maintaining your vehicle? Well, there are money-saving opportunities here too. First, keep your car properly tuned. Change the oil and oil filter in your car every 3,000 miles, regardless of how often your owner’s manual recommends. More frequent oil changes are the single most important factor in extending the life of your engine and will more than pay for themselves in savings on repairs and engine wear, change the air filter and get the right tires.
Drive Less
This may seem against the point, but by carpooling and just driving your car less, you reduce the risk of accident (no need for car accident lawyers), our insurance company may charge you less for your coverage. And you consume less fuel and help the environment, win-win!
There are various ways to save money on running your car. For example, don’t warm up your car by letting it idle, be more of a careful driver with fewer bad habits. These are good practices and will benefit you in the long run.
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